
“Treasure” by Holly Sheidenberger

Always wondered if there really was a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. Decided to go find out.

Wasn’t that hard. Surprised more folks don’t give it a try.

Found an iron cauldron full of gold coins.

Didn’t know what to do with the things. Thought about melting ’em down.

Found out a blacksmith’s forge would be just the thing, so I built one.

Melted the things down and got rich off the gold. But what was I gonna do with that forge?

Got to looking at that iron cauldron… Decided to make a wrought iron chandelier. Turned out pretty good.

Some rich lady loved the thing. Sold it to her even though I didn’t need the money.

Did need the work, though. Spend all my time with that forge now, making chandeliers. Never been so happy in my life.

Turns out the real treasure wasn’t the gold after all.

The Dream

“The Dream” by Holly Sheidenberger

Bolt upright in bed he sat, sweating and panting. Looking left, he sighed gratefully when he saw that she was still next to him.

Remembering the cold look, the papers, the walk away, and the end. Divorce. It was a terrible dream.

He vowed, there in the dark, next to his sleeping wife, to change.

She still raged and cried, for mysterious reasons. But this time, he held her silently.

She still told stories about her day, but this time he listened and tried to care. They weren’t as boring as he had thought.

One day the ice melted and she smiled at him, just like she used to.

A week passed, a month, and a year. They liked each other again.

One morning on the table she left an envelope, with a sticker that said “Please Shred.”

Inside: Divorce papers dated one year ago. The day before The Dream.