Could Have Been

“Could Have Been” by Holly Sheidenberger

The danger between us is palpable.

He’s aged. His eyes crinkle and he’s grown a beard. But the connection between us is still perilously strong.

He takes my hand in both of his, and a thrill explodes inside me. The years have only made him more magnetic.

“I came to see you,” he says. “I need you to know . . . I loved you.”

My breath catches, my heart nearly stops. I knew already, but it still means so much. To finally hear him say it.

“You’re too late,” I hear myself say. “I’m sorry,” he whispers, tracing my jawline with his thumb.

His electric touch weakens my resolve; I turn away.

We walk, side by side but not hand in hand. I am racked with unappeasable hunger for him.

The silence between us is thick with the life that could have been.

Three Rows Back

“Three Rows Back” by Holly Sheidenberger

There he was, three rows back, wearing a t-shirt and blazer, and the beaded necklace with the secret meaning.

He was alone.

The love I’d buried like a seed deep in my soul suddenly blossomed into life.

But he didn’t want me, I reminded myself.

Tears of longing fell as I felt his presence burning into me from three rows back.

I turned and he was gone, his seat as empty as my hope.

Then a rustling in my row, a faint “excuse me,” and a tight squeeze. His body was close enough to touch mine.

He tenderly stroked my cheek and said, “Come.” I gratefully obeyed.

He’s laying in bed with me now, shirtless, wearing the beaded necklace and the wedding ring that matches mine.

That was ten years ago, and I love him even more now than I did then.